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Lay Lab News

05/2024: Kenneth is interviewed for A*STAR Research's feature of A*STAR NRF awardees:


05/2024: Jia Huey wins Lee Foundation Prize for Best FYP Project


04/2024: Kenneth represented A*SRL at the inaugural EMBO Global Investigator Meeting held in NTU, Singapore


03/2024: Welcome Jiah Shin Chin as Postdoctoral Research Fellow


03/2024: Lay Lab was involved in hosting the 5th Singapore International Skin Conference


01/2024: Kenneth is featured in an issue of A*STAR Research focused on skin research:

Click here and here for LinkedIn features

Click here for full print issue

A*STAR Research "Itching for a Cure"

12/2023: Kenneth is awarded the National Research Foundation Fellowship (NRF-F)!


09/2023: Welcome Radiance Lim as Lab Manager and Senior Research Officer


07/2023: Welcome Jia Huey Ho as Lay Lab's very first student and polytechnic FYP student funded by A*STAR Graduate Academy (A*GA)


06/2023: Kenneth co-chaired the Gordon Research Seminar on Epithelial Differentiation and Keratinization, and presented his work on human genetic skin diseases at the accompanying Gordon Research Conference, Barcelona, Spain


05/2023: Kenneth represented Skin Research Society Singapore as speaker at Asia Oceania Symposium of the inaugural International Societies for Investigative Dermatology (ISID), Tokyo, Japan


04/2023: Lay Lab is set up!

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